Submission Guidelines
Mission and Scope
The Journal of Camus Studies is designed to provide an interdisciplinary forum for conversation about the life and work of Albert Camus. The Journal of Camus Studies was founded in 2008 as the Journal of the Albert Camus Society by Simon Lea. The inaugural volume represented the work of international authors exploring the life and work of Camus from a variety of philosophical and theoretical perspectives. In 2010, Peter Francev was appointed General Editor in an effort to focus more intentionally on reaching an academic audience. The goal of the journal is to provide an international and interdisciplinary resource for those interested in furthering the work and thought of Albert Camus and his contemporaries.
Prior to manuscript submission, authors are asked to submit the following to the email address given at the bottom of the page: full contact information along with a brief, one-paragraph biography detailing current affiliation, research interests and recent publications, as well as an abstract of no more than 250 words.
Manuscript Preparation
Manuscripts should be no longer than 10,000 words (text and notes). The entire paper must be double-spaced, with one-inch margins and 12-point font, in MS Word. The paper, notes and works cited must conform to the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook. They must avoid ethic biases, as well as use gender-neutral language. Also, manuscripts must not be under consideration for another publication. Along with the manuscript, the author must include a cover letter as a separate file. This file will include a history of the manuscript, whether it is derived from an M.A. or Ph.D. thesis with the advisor’s name, or whether it has been presented at a conference, and any other pertinent information about its development must be disclosed at the time of submission. Authors are encouraged to submit all materials using MS Word to the General Editor who, then, will forward the materials to the editorial committee.
Review Process
The Journal of Camus Studies follows a policy of double-blind, peer review; please ensure that the main body of the manuscript contains nothing identifying the author. All comments by reviewers are confidential and shall not be published. Final judgment with regard to publication is made by the General Editor.
When the editor receives a submission, the manuscript will undergo a peer review. At least two reviewers will provide evaluative comments for each submission. On the basis of the reviews, the manuscript may be unconditionally accepted, conditionally accepted, or unconditionally rejected for publication. Each submitter will be provided with the peer review statements and may respond to the comments, ask questions, or seek clarification as desired. Evaluations, typically, will be provided within 6-8 weeks. Standard evaluation forms are used by the reviewers. If a particular reviewer cannot complete a review within a timely manner, the editor will seek an alternative, qualified reviewer. Sometimes the opinion of a reviewer is important enough that the editor must wait a little longer.
Conference Announcements and Book Reviews
Announcements and correspondence regarding conferences, panels, papers, and other news of interest should be sent to the Editor, Journal of Camus Studies, at the address given below.
Books to be reviewed will be reviewed as long as they are relevant to the life and times of Albert Camus. Books should be sent to the Editor, Journal of Camus Studies, at the address given below.
Dr. Peter Francev
General Editor, Journal of Camus Studies
Dept. of English
Victor Valley College
18422 Bear Valley Road
Victorville, CA 92395