“One must imagine Sisyphus happy”
About the Albert Camus Society
Founded in 2005, the Albert Camus Society is an international organisation made up of the Albert Camus societies of the UK, US and Poland. Together we hold a joint annual conference and publish the Journal of Camus Studies.
Membership of the Albert Camus Society
The Albert Camus Society exists to promote scholarship on the life and work of Albert Camus by providing an international platform to share, exchange and debate ideas and research.
The Journal of Camus Studies
The Journal of Camus Studies is designed to provide an interdisciplinary forum for conversation about the life and work of Albert Camus. It is published annually and is available in print and ebook formats.
Camus Resources
Find out more about Albert Camus, the French philosopher, author, dramatist, journalist, world federalist, political activist and Nobel Prize winner.
“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.”
— Albert Camus